Welcome to my BSU wiki
This wiki is the starting page for additional wikis I am working on for Boise State faculty and students. I'm using wikis to disseminate tutorials, resource materials, and showcase student work as part of my job here at Academic Technologies. I work with faculty and students, trying to use technology in innovative and productive ways. If you think I am a geek, you are right.
Click the links to the right to navigate to information about designing reader friendly websites (WebDesign 101) and Digital Storytelling (PhotoStory3).
What IS a wiki?
The word "wiki" is from Hawaiian, meaning "quick," and that is one of the most prominent features of a wiki. Create an account, name your wiki, and then start creating pages. It's that simple.
A wiki is really nothing more than a website, but with a twist--it is dynamic. This means that it includes a feed, a way for people to subscribe to your wiki and obtain new material you've posted. Wikis also include neat little "gadgets" that you can install to create and enhance interactivity. Wikis retain the history of each page (so you can revert to an earlier revision) and also enable others to collaborate and comment on pages. While you can do that through building your own website in Dreamweaver or other programs, wikis make it very easy to do.
Watch this GREAT VIDEO to help you understand what a wiki is: http://www.commoncraft.com/video-wikis-plain-english
Questions about or suggestions on how to improve my wikis? Email me: bschroed@boisestate.edu
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